Friday, October 3, 2008

2 days of no OCD :)

Craig and a handful of other guys left this afternoon for an anticipated ranger adventure up at Viterbo's Ranch. So the girls and I are home alone til Sunday... :( ~~ although... the girls don't need to worry about being harassed for leaving lights on in the house, we can all leave dirty dishes in the sink, we probably won't make our beds....I'm sure we will think of other ways to rebel :) Craig will probably break out in some rash or something that will tell him that we aren't keeping everything tidy like he always does. The girls and I are heading to Tucson for my Boys volleyball tournament earlyyyyyyyy Saturday morning. Hope to be back asap...not a fan of Tucson!!!


kkp1220 said...

I can't wait to come over tomorrow, lay on the couch, leave my water on the end table and not feel guilty about it;-)

Bill and Paige said...

I need Craig to come to Colorado and help me clean my house!!!