Happy Birthday Codi!! I simply cannot believe that you are 12 today!!!! Daddy and I are so proud of you. Where have the last 12 years gone :( I remember bringing you home and you had your days and nights mixed up...we were up all night for the first 2 weeks ;) You have always been okay with all of Carli's hand me downs :) You are the pleaser type...never wanting any one to be sad or upset. You absolutley love animals...we have gone out of our way to distract you in the car if there is a dead dog on the roadway so you don't see it. :) You are becoming a great little volleyball player...any chance you get, you are hitting a ball around. You would sleep with a volleyball if we would let you!! You look up to your big sister and allow her to "mother" you :). Happy Birthday...you will always be my baby :)
ps...I wasn't very prepared with the picture part of the post...I will change these when I get a chance...these pics are from her last 3 birthdays :)

Happy Birthday!!
She looks like a baby in the last picture:-(
Wish we were there to celebrate.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Codi!!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday Codi!!!! Have fun celebrating!!! ;)
Happy Birthday. She is so darn cute!
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