Where on earth have the last 13 years gone?????? Today our first little gift from God turns 13. I simply cannot believe it. Honestly this is harder on me than turning 40 was for sure!!!
Dear Carli,
I can remember the day you came into this world like it was just yesterday. You were due on January 21st and of course the doctor was going to be out of town..so on January 16th...at 6:00AM...we went to the hospital to bring you into this world. It was a pretty easy delivery...I will never forget the look of shock on Daddy's face when the doctor said "it's a girl"!! From that moment...you became his little angel!!
You were a wonderful baby...slept through the night at 8 weeks...only cried when you needed something :) As I look back on these photos...I am so proud to be your mommy!!

This was one of my most domesticated moments...I actually made this cake :)

My fondest "Carlisms" :)
1. You were the binky queen as a baby...two in your mouth and one in each hand...I dreaded taking it away from you when you were 2 but it was pretty easy considering your obsession!!
2. You loved to tell me "I hold you mommy" :) in your sweet little voice
3. You have always been a wonderful big sister for Codi...she depends on you and you don't let her down (most of the time)
4. You hated to go get your pictures taken at the studio because when the backdroppeds moved it scared you...
5. You are one of the most perceptive kids I have every been around. At a very young age..daddy and I had to be careful...you could figure things out very easy!!
6. You love spending time with daddy!!--whether on quads..picking up trash...you are a "mini-me" of him :)
7. I remember when we sent you kids to swim lessons at Kathy's house...you screamed as soon as you saw me get the bathing suit out to get ready!
8. You are a worry wart--- most of the time it is a positive trait!!
9. As much as it is hard for you to understand why we don't let you have/do certain things...I think deep down you understand our decisions as parents.
10. You are so good with other kids...whether it's the twins or your cousin Emily.
As a high school teacher...being around 15 year old girls all day...and as a parent...it is so important for your child to be "a good kid"....you are just that and we couldn't be more proud of you...you are almost the age to start chasing dreams...we will always be there for you to help you reach them. We love you Carli...Happy 13th Birthday
Mom and Dad