Thursday, June 9, 2011

Disneyland :-)

For a few years now, Carli and Codi have wanted to go to Disneyland with the Putz twins~~ On Sunday we followed them over to CA for a couple of days. Monday morning, the girls and I got up early and went to the park...we got a few rides in before the Kollen crew showed up at 11:00. We had an absolute blast with them all...Carli and Codi were so excited to ride all of the rides with the younger kids...She took them on Indiana Jones (her favorite) for the their first time...Carli said people were looking at her like she was nuts with 4 younger ones in tow. We rode pretty much everything that you could...many of them twice!

Entering the glad the girls still love coming!!



Codi's Face makes me laugh still!!

Codi with the little ones :0

So much fun...such great memories!!!


Tami said...

Can't ever out grow Disneyland!!

CrazyRossHouse said...

thank goodness for them! i enjoyed when she took the illegally obtained child swap passes with her sister and 4 kids! so much fun...glad we made it all work out! i think we were the only 2 that waited in lines...wait a minute, how did that happen?

Sandy said...

those are awesome pictures! how fun!!! love the screaming pics!!!