It was so nice that Halloween was on a Friday night this year!! That means no rushing to make sure everyone gets to bed at a decent time :) Tami and I decided to do Halloween like we used to a few years back...we had lots of family/friends/neighbors over...rented a bounce house...and did pizza and lots of other goodies...let's just say no one should have been hungry for quite some time :)

My sister must have got the creative genes in the family...every year she comes up with some cool costume...this year she made Austin, Carli and Codi Ipod costumes...they were so cool!! Thank you Marci!!!

All the kids :)

Lauren and Kaelyn were the cutest Ariels...(good thing is was warm...they were showing some skin :)

The backside of the Ipods :)
Those are the coolest costumes! So much detail:) See you this week:)
so much fun, thanks again!!
I can't get over how adorable the girls are as ipods! :-) SO CREATIVE & COOL & CUTE!!!
Marci is good!! What family genes did you get?? :)
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