Friday, August 29, 2008
Probably Not Legal
Yes this is probably not a good idea to post a blog from school :) My PE classes have been in the Library for the last two days doing a nutrition assignmet. They are mostly freshmen that haven't had their first English class yet. Needless to say, the 5 paragraph essay that they are trying to write is like asking them to write their Thesis for their Masters...Yesterday was the first day of the assignment and I swear I explained things 77 times~~ Today is much better...all are on track and not being real needy... And so I am marginally bored...and hungry...all of the conversation in the room is revolving around food :) Two more hours of hour of practice...then we are heading up to Viterbo's ranch...words can't do the place will have to see pics...I have every intention of being done with Edward #2 by the end of the weekend :) Happy Labor Day everyone! (does anyone ever really say that?)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
...let the chaos begin :)
I should begin this post by saying thank you to my parents (well mostly my mom...she was really the taxi service)...As the girls become involved in extra activities, I have much more appreciation for their unselfishness!!! I will admit that I did make it a little easier on Craig and I by exposing them to volleyball more than softball right now...It is an "indoor" sport!! My parents sat at softball games all summer long for me (We even had a double header the day that it hit 122 degrees here)!! Carli had a very stressful week!! Well it's more stressful for her because she is the "first born" personality!! She had tryouts for her school volleyball team. There were 50-60 girls that tried out...she was a nervous, hormonal wreck all week!! On Friday at the third day of tryouts, she found out she made it!! We are very proud of her and she is beyond excited!! This means a few more trips for the taxi service :) It kills Codi that she has to wait 2 more years to try out (it is only for 7th and 8th graders). Another week of school in the books...and it was my first week of practice with my girls volleyball team...let's just say it is going to be a 'rebuilding' year :) That really isn't possible with JV girls but that is how I will look at it! They are working hard...which is all that matters :) I guess... The Olympics are almost over... I really have had my fair share of diving anyways!! Of course the Chinese are gonna be big of a splash can you make when you weigh 60lbs?? I actually enjoyed watching Syncronized Swimming today!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
This is absolutely ridiculous!!! Just because I am in love with a vampire (Oh Edward!)...doesn't mean I am one!! I cannot stay awake all night to watch any of my favorite events in the olympics!!! Frickn "dual diving" gets prime time?? I'm so tired of watching the Chinese enter the water all perfect and straight!@!!
I feel better now!! It's Finally FRIDAY!!! :)
I feel better now!! It's Finally FRIDAY!!! :)
Monday, August 11, 2008
1st Day of School!! :) :(

And so the first day of school for the girls and I has come and gone :)(Here is our annual "first day picture") The girls had great days...I have 400 papers that I have to sign for them (killing lots of trees). Codi's lunch everyday will have one fruit item!! :) She had grapes today!! She says she ate everything...she would be the first to rat herself out if she didn't eat it all :) My day went well too...classes were good although it is way too early to tell who is gonna be a pain in the ass!! :) Volleyball tryouts started today and Carly and I are both sick to our stomachs...I know what you are thinking..."it is just volleyball"...I have been coaching for 14 years and each year gets harder to think of cutting some girls---each year as my own kids get closer to their age...I put Carli and Codi's faces on the bodies of these kids that will get cut :(...we are very lucky to have such great kids at our would be so much easier to cut them if they were little jerks!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Eating Update---
Codi has actually been doing pretty good with eating like a normal person and eating whatever is offered. She is still taking the crust off her sandwich which I seem to offer to do for her otherwise she tears so much off there isn't much sandwich left. Last night the kids were politely reminding me that it was dinner time...I was wrapped up in finishing the first book of the twilight series (I am in love with a vampire by the way) :) Anyways... I ended up doing the frozen pizza/Mac and cheese option for them. Codi sits down and says "can I PLEASE get a soda mom...I haven't had one for at least a week" I did notice that she sounded marginally in withdrawl...but what the n cheese..soda---Even adults have cheat days!!! (don't scold me Kelsey) By the way...if you read, you gotta read this book...if you don't read...I am proof that it is that good...Carly has been trying to get me to read a book for 6 years...the last book I read and liked was probably 'where the red fern grows' :)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
I am 2nd fiddle :(

Craig has fallen in love all over again. I can tell he truly loves her...the thought of her makes his face glow. He thinks about her 24\7...wanting so badly to be with her. He is committed to give her everything that she needs...roll cage, some front bumper thing, hd lights, and I am assuming new wheels etc.... Yes Craig is head over heels for the new Ranger... I can understand why...she doesn't ever give him "are you kidding me" dirty looks-- she will always be waiting there for him in his favorite place--his garage (which if you know could eat off the floor of his garage). Don't worry about me...I will be okay...once her "new-ness" wears off...he will come running back. (I think)...
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