We spent the 4th of July weekend up at the Viterbo Ranch. Our whole family loves to go up there! It is so gorgeous...there is so much to do yet it is so relaxing at the same time!
This is how it went...(just for you D :-)
We drove up there Friday afternoon...everyone quickly gets on a ranger and heads towards some type of fun :0
Carli and Hayley heading toward the Creek!

Vic and Craig relaxing while DeEtte took some pics of baby skunks we found...can you see that precious little face in the back seat? :-) I miss her already!!

The adults headed out on a ride...which turned into a quest to shoot a coyote...Craig is deciding if the Ranger will make it over the tracks...um...no!

Craig got a couple of shots off at those scavengers but they are just too elusive!!

I know my apple friends will appreciate this!...This old MAC was imbedded in the wash of a river bed....weeds growing up threw the backside...absolutely crazy!!

I'd say apple has come a long way :-)

This was taken from one of our first ranch trips several years ago...cute, goofy, sassy little girls!!

Now look at them!! Still cute...definitely still sassy!!...We headed into Prescott Saturday night for some yummy Mexican food and to check out the house they have re-done in downtown....it is so cute...and in a great location!! :=)

We are so lucky to have such great friendships for so long...We were the kids' ages and even younger when we met Vic and DeEtte....I hope our kids are paying attention to how important friends are :-)