(this post is def gonna be a 'Sandy' style post :-)--so many good pictures!!!)
This past weekend, we headed up to Hidden Meadow Ranch where Lance lives/works with the Putz and Falkenborg families. The ranch is an all inclusive ranch...all 13 of us stayed in the same cabin...it was a perfect set up for us...and was absolutely gorgeous both inside and out!!

Unfortunately there wasn't a ton of snow...we did manage to find a hill right behind the cabin that was perfect for the kids...it ended up being the perfect amount of snow for them!
Sandy, Brooke and Kaelyn getting ready to head down!

Immediately behind the cabin was a small lake to trout fish...Carli, Craig, and JJ fished for a while...too cold to be patient!!

Carli, Codi, Lauren, Kaelyn, Austin, and myself rode horses :-)

Carli getting ready to ride :-)

In the evenings, we would get all of the kids fed and back in the cabin with Carli and Codi...then the 6 of us would head down for amazing dinners!! Brian hung out with the chef on one of the afternoons to learn some of his magic! By the end of the trip...we felt like all we did was eat!

Before the food coma!!

How can you resist that face?? If I had a dollar for every time this guy said "mama"...I might have enough to add about 10 new pairs of shoes :-) ps..the ranch might be out of salt and pepper because of this little guy :-)

My little snow princesses :-) They were so good and helpful all weekend!!

Kaelyn and Codi

4 decker sled time :-)

In front of the lake :-)

The sunset was gorgeous!! Uncle Lance and the girls :-)