Thursday, February 25, 2010

Codi Student of the Month!! :)

Codi was selected Student of the Month at school this past month...The school has a really cute method of celebrating...they send out letters to the parents telling them when to show up for the assembly and they do not tell the kids...In a very "peppy" pep assembly...they call out each kids name..put their picture on the big screen...and has them run through a tunnel of teachers getting high 5's. Codi dreads being the center of attention and will always ask me if she is student of the month each time...she gets very nervous getting up in front of people....We are happy to report that she didn't fall in front of the 6-8 graders :-0 Congrats Co Co!!

Standing up front with fellow Students of the Month


Bill and Paige said...

omg, I think I would die if I had to do that:)

Congrats Codi!! So awesome!

kkp1220 said...

Too cute.
Congrats Codi;-0 Have fun in Denver

Sandy said...

Way to go Codi!!! That's awesome!!