Proudly displaying the trophy!!

w/ her close friend Sloan :-)

Our kids are so lucky the grandparents come to every game!!
Pretty sure dad was nervous too :-)

Love the excitement in her face!!
The same night as Codi's championship, my JV team ended their season with a very exciting match against Ironwood...making our season record 17-0!! Such a great group of girls!
Last night was Carli's Homecoming Dance at school....we met with a small group for pictures, then a much larger group for more pictures :-) Carli looks so beautiful and so grown up :-( She learned very quickly that the heels just down right hurt your feet...she didn't have them on long!

Carli and Kayla

Love this!!
On to the next house...:-) such cute dresses!!
This was the big group before they headed to the dance...:-)