This time of year is always exciting with the baseball starting :-)...I have never been to an opening day here with the diamondbacks..always seems to fall during the week during school...This year I was lucky enough to go to opening day...especially with it being in Colorado!! I had never been to Coors Field---very nice ball park...they have good fans...and seems like just nice people in Denver :-)...The weather there could not have been better!! --Mid 70s for both of the games that we went to! Kelsey, myself, and the twins flew over Thursday afternoon...and meeting more of Kelsey's family there :-)
Front gates at Coors Field

Opening day festivities/atmosphere was very exciting...the military did their part in giving everyone goose bumps :-)

Me, Kelsey, and Paige :-)

The whole clan (poor Hayley must have been trying to find JJ)...This game lasted 11 innings...Dbacks finally went up and JJ came in and shut the door!! Worth the wait for sure!!

I kind of like holding babies :0 Ainsley was quite the opening day trooper :-)

Story behind this...after the long game...we all walked back and got some food at a mexican food restaurant...assumed JJ would eat at the field...he didn't--came back to the hotel starving and we had just all eaten---Here comes room service---If you look carefully, he has about 5 plates in front of him!! Ok...definitely not as funny the 2nd time around!! :-)

My 2 little roommates for the 3 nights :-)...they love any type of technology and can use all of them better than I can!!... :-)

Thanks so much Putz and Kollen families!! xoxo